We’ve been really taken by Robert Moon’s Darkside three-wheeler concept. Brave, refreshing and full of innovation.

We brought you Rob’s thoughts about his project in the September/October 2020 issue of TKC MAG and it brought plenty of good feedback from readers.

Rob had nailed the chassis, suspension and other technical aspects of the modern-looking trike but had launched a competition to design a body for the car. His co-judge in the competition, which drew (see what I did there! – Ed) entries from around the globe, was the lauded designer, Frank Stephenson.

After much deliberation, Frank and Rob chose the design you see here from James Russell Owen. The next stage will see Rob pursuing investment to help drive the Darkside forward and he is extremely confident about the future prospects.

If you’d like to find out more and be kept in touch with developments why not go to the ‘Register Your Interest’ at https://www.drksd.info/register.

We can’t wait to see the project in the flesh and it’s one of the most exciting kit projects I’ve seen for a long time. You can be sure you’ll see it in TKC MAG as soon as we are able to feature it.