The Laser 8003 portable vacuum box is designed to extract fluids under vacuum – this is a lightweight, easily portable unit and once the vacuum has been generated with workshop compressed air, the unit can be carried to any location for one-man operation. The unit features a built-in vacuum gauge and vacuum-relief/pressure valve.
The vacuum box can be used to extract water, coolant, refrigerant, brake fluid and oils (engine oil, gearbox oil, compressor oil, etc). Can also be used for leak testing. Particularly useful for vacuum brake bleeding and a brake bleed tube attachment is supplied. It is not suitable to extract flammable liquids.
Once connected to a workshop air supply, the venturi nozzle generates a vacuum of -0.7-bar. The connector is then locked off and the vacuum box becomes a portable and strong vacuum source. Then take it to the job. Just place the fluid line in the fluid to be extracted, open the valve, and the fluid is drawn into the vacuum box. When finished, purge the vacuum then drain into a suitable waste container.
The set is supplied with full instructions plus fluid lines and brake bleeding attachment. It is available now from your local Laser Tools stockist, typically priced at £545.60 inc VAT
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More details from www.lasertools.co.uk ENDS.