I do love a hard paste wax and I’ve built up a nice collection. To be honest, I don’t always use them, mainly because I’ve found that synthetic polymer liquid waxes, sealants and quick detailers give such great performance and mega levels of levels of gloss I find I don’t have to reach for a paste wax.
They are a bit more labour intensive than quick detailers, for example and it’s true that if you use too much they can be a royal pain to remove let alone buff to a shine. They are a luxurious product though. Find a good one and use it correctly and you’ll be very pleased with the levels of gloss.
Oh, another benefit of a paste wax is that most of them smell incredible!
Infinity’s Diablo Wax is one of my favourites and is infused with PTFE which needs to be abbreviated because it is a very long word. It is best known as a plumber’s tape for sealing joints and the like. There’s a clue there to it being waterproof!
Therefore, it follows that using it added to a paste wax will give insane amounts of ‘beads’ and I like it for the great gloss it leaves behind and longevity. It doesn’t disappoint when it comes to a beautiful smell either!
A 200ml pot costs £39.99 with more information from www.infinitywax.com or 0800 024 8625 ENDS.