After more years than I care to remember located at Fauld Camp in Tutbury, Wayne Roper’s Europa Spares has moved home!

They’ve recently moved to a new location about five miles away in Needwood and although at the moment they can’t accept visitors it won’t be long until they can at which point all will be welcome!

You’ll now find them at: Unit 6, Lakeside, Lancaster Park, Newborough Road, Needwood, Burton-on-Trent, Staffordshire DE13 9PD

They also have a brand-new website which is now much easier to use and among the new products are these glorious Smiths magnolia-faced Mechanical Speedometers with chrome IVA-compliant bezel and a 270kph reading. These are priced at £242.84 inc VAT.

More information from or 01283 815 609 ENDS.