Now we’re able to travel more freely again, there are doubtless quite a few cars out there that haven’t had the care they’re used to over the last 12 months.
These are the times when we need our vehicles to perform faultlessly, yet the law of dynamic negatives suggests that they are the very occasions when something will happen. Statistically speaking, a flat tyre is one of the most common causes of a roadside breakdown.
While it is impossible to predict what lies in the path of our car tyres, Road Hero is mitigating the distress of a flat tyre with an innovative spare wheel solution. By carrying a comprehensive Road Hero kit on board, the danger of being stranded with a flat tyre is eliminated. It also avoids the need to call on the hard-pressed emergency services for assistance.
Kits tailored to each vehicle from 108 different wheel options.
Vehicles manufactured after 2012 are no longer required to provide a spare wheel, which means that the majority of cars are now equipped with a repair kit in order to attempt to seal the puncture and reinflate the tyre.
This is fine if you’re dealing with a small nail in the middle of the tread. However, if the cause of the deflation is damage to the wheel rim or sidewall then there is no option but to call a recovery service.
Thankfully, your journey doesn’t have to end on the back of a recovery truck. Road Hero has a broad catalogue of 108 different wheel options to ensure kits can be tailored to suit 95 per cent of all vehicles on the road.
Each kit includes everything you might conceivably need to safely carry out a roadside wheel swap, whatever the time and whatever the weather. Inside the smart black storage bag is a two-tonne scissor jack, adjustable wheel brace, warning triangle, high-vis vest, head torch, rain poncho, kneeling mat and heavy-duty gloves.
The spare wheel itself is a lightweight space saver type, which is narrower than a normal road wheel in order to minimise its use of boot space. Although the spare wheel is designed as a temporary measure, the tyre is safety rated to 50mph and will last long enough to get you to your destination or to the nearest garage.
Road Hero is therefore a roadside solution that offers car drivers the quickest and most hassle-free way to get back up and running after experiencing a flat tyre. And with prices starting at just £200 for a complete kit, it represents peace of mind that you will get home safely and independently.
More from www.road-hero.co.uk ENDS.