John Kox, currently the boss of JK Sportscars, the home of the DAX 427 Cobra replica actually began his kitcar career via his DAX Benelux company, which, from 1995, acted as agent for Brian and Pam Johns’ Harlow-based company.

John sold a large number of DAX Rush kits in Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg although later also acted as an agent for the Cobra replica, too, which later led to him buying the project and the setting up of JK Sportscars.

I received an email from John this week, telling me that he has been helping a few owners with parts and assistance with their Rush kits. The company has been busy supplying their Cobra replica kits and servicing parts enquiries.

With what must be over 3500 DAX 427 kits sold since 1981 the model remains one of the most respected cars in UK kitcar history. You can start building by buying the chassis kit at £1395, with body packages from £2995.

For more information visit www.jksportscars.co.uk or 07729 575 478 ENDS.