Ring Automotive is urging ‘staycation’ holiday-goers to put quality first when purchasing their all-essential towing and leisure equipment and has expanded its range as a result.

The National Caravan Club saw a 71 per cent increase in caravan sales in July 2020, and this summer, the new caravan owners are set to hit the road. However, Ring is warning about the consequences surrounding purchasing and fitting a low-quality towbar and wiring kit.

Key risks include the trailer’s stability being compromised, resulting in it dangerously swaying while in transit. The braking electronics can also be affected, as well as the effectiveness of various features such as cruise control and parking sensors.

Henry Bisson said: “With uncertainty still surrounding foreign travel, we’re already seeing a surge in demand throughout our leisure and towing range. Staycations are proving popular, and after the past year, many people are looking forward to a breakaway with their family.

“Of course, the most important thing to consider when searching for safety-critical parts, such as towing accessories, is quality, as it not only makes the journey far more enjoyable, but it offers the reassurance that they can travel without any hiccups.

“Ring’s extensive towing range includes all the electrics, towbar and trailer essentials to make sure that whatever you’re towing, and wherever you’re going, your load is secure and safe, as well as legally compliant.”

Ring’s full range of towing essentials includes towballs, towing electrics, trailer parts, trailer boards, caravan accessories, plugs and sockets, reflectors, relays, socket assemblies, towing cables and towing mirrors. More information is available here.