Burton Power is now offering a reproduction of a SOHC Pinto-spec sump aimed at classic Escorts, but as this engine is fitted in hundreds of kitcars it’s very pertinent to totalkitcar readers.

Burton Power has introduced this sump as good used sumps are now becoming rare and expensive.

While reproducing this sump, Burton Power has taken the opportunity to redesign the sump baffle so that it provides far more protection from oil surge than the original version.

The modified baffle is designed to always keep the pick-up surrounded by oil even at all times under extreme surge conditions. The Burton Power sump features a one-way gate that allows oil movement towards the pick-up pipe but not away from it.

The kit includes a sump pan, baffle, sump mounting bolts, drain plug and washer.

Order as part number FT655K at £279.95 inc VAT.
This sump must be used with RS2000 pickup pipe available as part number FT651- £63.50

Burton Power can also supply a dipstick and tube as part number FT653 – £34.90.

Further details from 0208 554 2281 or ENDS.