Very impressed with these new bamboo-based microfibre cloths, super soft, very absorbent and environmentally friendly, too. Oh … and yes they really are made from bamboo!
I really dislike shoddy quality microfibre cloths and they really can be variable. If you choose a high-quality polish, wax or sealant it can be badly let down by a cloth that doesn’t buff the car’s surface properly.
I love these new ones from Pushing Cloth which is said to be 150 per cent more absorbent than standard microfibre cloths and according to the man behind the product Andy Day the plushness comes from the fact that they contain fine monofilaments meaning that polish is removed easily.
My initial testing shows them to be very effective. I’ll be putting through a proper test process very soon and will report again.
A pack of six cloths costs £17.99 and is available now from www.pushingcloth.co.uk ENDS.