A British inventor has developed a highly effective alarm to prevent theft from garages. The Defender Shock Contact Alarm is the first of its type to be awarded Gold by the Master Locksmith Association and meets UK Police recognised standards.
This powerful, dual function alarm is wire-free, has zero subscription fees and has both a contact sensor and a vibration sensor to protect against forced entry or sneak-in theft. The siren is triggered by the vibration sensor if the door is being forced, and by the contact sensor if the door is opened by someone who does not possess the entry code.
The super-loud 130dBs siren is designed to prevent theft from your garage by shocking a would-be thief into fleeing the scene. In addition to protecting your main garage door, it can also be used to protect secondary garage entrances and windows.
The Defender Shock Contact Alarm has a 30-second exit delay and a 5-second entry delay to enable the user to arm or disarm the unit via its keypad. The vibration sensor can be deactivated if only the contact sensor is required. Designed for internal use, it is 8 x 5 x 2.2cm in size and comes with a choice of adhesive pads or screws for easy installation. Powered by 3 x AAA batteries (included), it also features a small solar panel which can extend battery life by up to 18 months.
Inventor John Fearnall has worked on crime prevention products for over 25 years.
“Thefts from garages are on the increase,” says Fearnall. “This effective alarm can help deter criminals and keep your property safe.”
The first alarm of its type to be awarded a Gold Sold Secure standard following an attack test by the Master Locksmith Association, the Defender Shock Contact Alarm is also accredited by the UK Police under their Secured by Designsecurity initiative. Priced at £14.95, it is available from www.defendersecurityproducts.co.uk ENDS.