With impending hose-pipe bans coming my way in East Sussex as well as surrounding areas, I’m going to have to park the Kärcher pressure washer for the foreseeable future, so waterless wash products and quick detailers will be coming to the fore.

There are plenty of brilliant QDs around and loads I’d recommend. I’ve just discovered a new one made by Manchester-based Duel Auto Care, which is called Nitro. You certainly won’t miss the vibrant pink liquid.

I’ve been using it for a couple of weeks with much success including in blistering, full-on sunshine, which can render a lot of quick detailers inoperative. I’ve also used it as a gloss ‘topper’ after applying sealant and wax to my car’s bodywork.

I think Nitro is a stunning product, which is easy to use and very effective and I have also used it on glass, wheels and metal with success. The best part is the price – just £8.95 for a 500ml spray bottle.

Worked nice on this!

Incidentally, otherwise great products can be let down by shoddy trigger sprays but not this one, as Duel Auto Care use high-quality ones, which is always appreciated.

More information from www.duelautocare.co.uk ENDS.