In my opinion, Gil Keane of Better Car Lighting is the man when it comes to car lighting and particularly upgrading same. He has been helping classic car and period kitcar owners improve their car’s lighting for many years.
He also releases a regular stream of new products. The latest is an upgrade for the ubiquitous L467 standard numberplate light, which did a job – albeit a dimmish one – for many years.
A newly beefed-up version from Better Car Lighting is the L467 Plus Four. At a glance, this looks like the old one but adds four useful additional functions.
When you apply the brakes, it gives an extra bright brake light, when reversing you’ll see a super bright white light, it will also double as a fog light and when driving at night in normal conditions it will also act as an additional red taillight.
Typical of Gil’s stuff it is a quality kit that comes with full instructions, tech support, clearly labelled wiring, connectors and all the parts you need. It is operated by a compact, stylish chrome rotary knob.
L467 Plus Four kit costs £203.99 inc VAT with more information from or call 0121 773 7000 ENDS.