Our friends at soft trim (and more!) parts meisters, Woolies will be at the Beaulieu International Autojumble on Sat 10th and Sun 11th September 2022. Obviously, it’s a great event, to find out more about it click here.

You will find Woolies in their usual location – Red Field – stand numbers R172, R173 and R174, near the information portacabin next to the embankment.

They will have a lot of products with them at the show but remember if you want a specific product(s) brought to the show please order in advance. This guarantees you will get what you came for and can save you time on the day.

You can order on the website – just choose ‘click and collect’ and for postage and type in the comments box ‘BEAULIEU’ as this will ensure you do not pay any postage.  Alternatively, just pick up the phone and contact them on 01778 347 347 and they will be pleased to take your order. You can always visit their HQ shop at Market Deeping.