This one is a proper little devil of a hard paste wax and one that I rate highly and hails from the marvellous Infinity Wax brand. An underrated car care company that blends its own products in-house at its Glenrothes HQ.
The PTFE part of this product gives it the ability to repel water and thus provide a good level of beading or hydrophobicity, to be more correct.
It has a fruity smell, but I can also detect back notes of methylated spirit and dare I say Windolene (younger readers – ask your mum!).
A little goes a long way, as ever with waxes of this type it’s advisable to use a foam applicator and apply a couple of panels at a time and leave a minimum of three minutes to cure. You can follow up with a second coat between 1-12 hours after the first application. It advises not to apply in direct sunlight. I did though and it worked ok!
A 500ml pot of Diablo wax costs £14.99 and it’s part of an extensive paste wax range that includes Synergy Ceramic, Optic and Primo.
For more information visit ENDS.