Machine Mart stocks a range of durable Clarke Trolley Jacks designed to assist you in the garage or workshop when working on a variety of vehicles.
The best-selling Clarke CTJ3000GB Three Tonne Trolley Jack is specifically designed for the professional workspace and offers a lifting capacity of three tonnes. It features a super-strong chassis with heavy-duty wheels and castors, as well as a wide footprint for stable use. The CTJ3000GB also features a long two-piece handle and comes with automatic overload protection. Weight: 28.3kg
Another best-selling product is the Clarke CTJ2250LP 2.25 Tonne Low Profile Trolley Jack with Sockets. The CTJ2250LP features swivel castors, a simple-to-operate lock/unlock valve for raising and lowering the unit, a rubber contact pad to prevent chassis damage and extra wide wheels for safe, stable use. This model also comes supplied with two double-ended sockets 17/19mm and 21/23mm and a useful dual-purpose handle/wheel brace Weight: 13.7kg
A new addition to the Machine Mart range is the high-quality Clarke CTJ1250AC 1.25 Tonne Aluminium Trolley Jack. This unit is ideal for sports and racecars, benefitting from an extra low saddle and frame. It can be easily and safely manoeuvred around the garage or workshop thanks to its swivel castors and wide front roller.
The CTJ1250AC has a lightweight aluminium construction and tough anodised finish, making it durable as well as great looking. Finally, a rubber contact pad prevents damage to the vehicle when in use. Lightweight: 12kg
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