This could be of real interest to kitcar owners with Jaguar-based kitcars.

Until 1966, all Jaguar cars had a blue glow in the dashboard instruments, created by putting a blue filter over the 2.2-watt Lucas 987 Edison screw bulbs, which generated more heat than light. The instruments were so dim and get progressively dimmer as the heat cooked the blue filters.

Many had the filters removed when new bulbs were fitted in an effort to improve the brightness. This created the myth that ‘my Jaguar has always had warm white dash lighting’, but none did.

New from Gil at Better Car Lighting is this new LED upgrade kit and he has commissioned
the manufacture of some pale blue to effectively and brightly upgrade the early Jaguar instrument lighting.

If the original blue filters have become opaque, they can be removed as the new LED bulbs will work perfectly either with or without them.

A further benefit of this kit addresses the two-position dash brightness switch. With the original bulbs, it is unlikely to have ever been used as the dash is so dim, and with LED bulbs, it does not work.

However, Better Car Lighting has a simple mod to allow this switch to do its job properly with the new, much brighter bulbs. It involves replacing the three standard resistors in the back of the switch with the new resistor lead in the kit. This is easy to do for anyone who possesses a soldering iron.

This effective upgrade costs just £83.97 inc VAT. A separate upgrade LED bulb kit to upgrade the warning lights costs an additional £42.49 inc VAT.
For more details contact Gil Keane on 0121 773 7000 or via www.bettercarlighting.co.uk ENDS.