New DEI Gen 3 Turbo Shields are available in two versions: Titanium™ and Onyx™.

The Onyx™ version features a silicone-coated Onyx™ black outer layer with multiple stainless steel and silica inner layers, whilst the Titanium version features Titanium™ material with LavaRock technology coated in silicon. Both versions are designed to insulate and endure extreme conditions. The silicone coating prevents the material from fraying and encases seams to make them over four times stronger than those of other turbo shields.

Both the Titanium™ and Onyx™ Gen 3 Turbo Shields feature:

A Thick Insulation Layer of Silica to keep heat in the turbo shield and turbo housing.
Silica has a low thermal conductivity making it one of the best insulators available.

A Stainless Steel, Glass Fibre and Silicone Inner Layer which adds to the insulating and thermal properties and increases the seam strength and overall durability.

A Stainless Steel Fabric Inner Cover which acts as a first barrier of protection against the highest temperatures without degradation or becoming embrittled by heat.

Having tested other turbo shields, DEI is confident its Gen 3 Turbo Shields are the strongest, most heat-resistant shields currently available on the market. They are available for the following turbochargers: T22, T25/28, T3, T4, T6 and T6X.

Sample prices:
Titanium™ Gen 3 Turbo Shield for T3 £263.27. Onyx™ Gen 3 Turbo Shield for T3 £318.31. Prices are subject to shipping costs, import tax and handling.

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