New from CAR BUILDER SOLUTIONS is this new Copper Grease Aerosol product. Arguably, there’s only thing better than copper grease at its job and that’s Aluminium Grease. However, there’s nothing wrong with Copper Grease, especially when fitting new brake components and even wheel nuts. It definitely makes it easier to remove components next time.
The version that comes in a tin can be messy to use, makes your hands dirty and renders a hitherto fine pair of nitrile gloves useless. A little bit of this stuff goes a very long way.
Therefore, I think this new aerosol version from Car Builder Solutions will be of interest.
It is great at protecting against heat, seizure, corrosion, water and acid, plus, of course, prevents brake squeal.
A 500ml aerosol can of Copper Grease (part ‘COPGRE’) costs £8.40 and is available now from or at the other end of 01580 891 309 ENDS.