Leading supplier of auto accessories and private labelling manufacturer, Simply Brands, has been commissioned by A1 Motor Stores to create a new wiper blade range, Mota1.

After a successful pre-launch at the A1 Trade Show in April 2024, Mota1 will launch into the automotive aftermarket in July 2024, with more than 50 A1 members instantly signing up to stock the new range.

Mota1 will be available exclusively through A1 Motor Stores, and consists of both the existing conventional blade range, as well as a new multi-fit wiper blade range, providing members with 95% coverage of the car parc with only 14 SKUs.

Commercial & Product Manager at A1 Motor Stores, Kym Smith, commented: “Our range of Mota1 conventional blades was launched successfully several years ago, but we have been looking for some time for the right partner that could deliver a multi-fit flat blade programme for us with the right combination of price, quality and coverage – and now we’ve achieved it!”

Providing this private label solution for A1 Motor Stores is Simply Brands, which has extensive experience in creating private label ranges for a host of companies, using its expertise and market understanding to create a bespoke offering.

Kym continued: “We’ve got a fantastic relationship with Simply Brands and it was clear that their wiper blade knowledge is unmatched, so it was a no-brainer to partner with them, especially once we understood their experience in providing own brand products. As well as creating the range we’re going to offer to our members, Simply also delivered application data to MAM and is hosting an online wiper blade lookup and fitting instruction videos, all branded as Mota1, providing a turnkey solution for us.

“With our knowledge of our members and their requirements and Simply’s wiper blade understanding, we believe that we’ve created a formidable and competitive wiper blade range.”

Business Development Manager at Simply Brands, Sam Robinson, said: “It’s fantastic to see another well-respected brand putting their trust in Simply Brands to deliver their private label range for them. The Mota1 range gives A1 members all the benefits of the Simply wiper blade programme, including a quality product, as well as marketing and application data support, but with the added benefits of their own exclusive brand available only to A1. We look forward to a successful full launch in July leading to another long and mutually beneficial relationship.”

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