When this charming book landed on my desk the other day it raised a smile.
I read the accompanying note with interest and delight. It hailed from the granddaughter of the late Malcolm ‘Mac’ Tompson, who painstakingly documented every stage of his Mirage Lamborghini Countach replica.
Entitled ‘Building A Kit Car – Dream or Nightmare’? Mac also discussed the joys and nightmares he experienced during the process. It’s a very nice guide for anyone taking on such a build and some of the tips are universal and not just confined to a Countach.
I really like it because as I said it’s charming and honest. Unfortunately, Mac died before he could get the book published but in a lovely tribute to him, his family have seen it through to completion.
The book doesn’t have an ISBN number so natural avenues to market aren’t open to the book without such a number, so Mac’s granddaughter, Amy is offering them for direct sale at just £11 inc P&P.
The easiest way is to buy it from eBay which you can do by CLICKING HERE.
A smashing book that will be a great addition to your collection.