My dad had a Ford Zephyr – and Zodiac – or two in the sixties, so, when I saw this I had to run it!

Webcon is delighted to introduce a new direct replacement Weber carburettor kit to suit the Ford Consul Mk2 and Zephyr Mk3 models, replacing the original Zenith 36VN.

Produced in conjunction with a leading Consul/Zephyr expert, kit part number 1529003900 is supplied fully-jetted to suit the 1703cc engine and provides a healthy increase in driveability, along with improved fuel economy.

Supplied with all parts required to complete the conversion, 1529003900 is priced at just £347.40 VAT.

Available directly from Webcon and from appointed Webcon dealers around the world.

For further details contact Webcon UK on 01932 787 100 or visit ENDS.