The latest additions to the Webcon carburettor tool range are the float height gauges to suit the Weber 40 and 46 IDA3C models and the Weber 48IDA.
These new toolsets are precision made in the UK and are a close reproduction of the original Weber tools that went out of production over thirty years ago.
Both kits are supplied with easy-to-follow instructions and will be an essential toolbox addition for professional as well as DIY carburettor tuners.
Details of the new float set gauges are:
Part Number Suits Price
9801410000 Weber 48IDA £46.75 inc VAT
9801630000 Weber 40/46IDA3C £46.75 inc VAT
The comprehensive range of Weber tools available from Webcon includes:
Choke Extractor Auxiliary Venturi Extractor
Box Spanner Float Height Tools
Jet Drills Jet Gauges
Synchrometer Vacuum Adaptors
Available now from 01932 787 100 or visit www.webcon.co.uk ENDS.