I’ve now driven a couple of kitcars fitted with the brand new Durapower 2-litre from engine supply maestros, Powertorque Engineering in Coventry.
With the demise of the Ford Duratec, Powertorwue moved fast to find their own replacement for what is a very important kitcar engine.
I’d heard lots of good things about it and I wasn’t disappointed. Clearly, very similar in its characteristics to the Duratec but somehow it seemed more flexible in its power delivery in both of the cars I drove.
If you contact Powertorque they’ll tell you which of their stockists have them in stock. I know of one supplier offering a full package, just requiring a couple of additions to make it run, from £7000.
More from www.powertorque.co.uk or call 02476 635 757 ENDS.