New from Merlin Motorsport are these vehicle ramps from BG Racing. High quality, they are made from polypropylene. The LOW RISE VEHICLE RAMPS are ideally suited for use with kitcars, lowered cars or racing cars with low ground clearance. The ramps will raise the car 70mm off the ground.
The LOW RISE SPLIT RAMPS will also raise the car 70mm off the ground and allow easier gain to jacking points once the vehicle is on the ramps.
The MID RISE RAMP are suited for quick under-body maintenance. The ramps will raise the car 110mm off the ground.
Finally, the MID RISE WIDE RAMP version is ideal for quick, under-body maintenance. The ramps will raise the car 65mm off the ground, making it easier and safer to get trolley jacks under the vehicle. This wide version of ramp is ideally suited for use with racing cars running slick tyres.
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