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Verified unique readers per month for this website currently average 16,447 (covering October, November and December 2024).

A WARM Welcome to totalkitcar online … A government report that summarises the responses received from a probe into how the DVLA handles cases relating to classic cars has been published.

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Welcome to totalkitcar online …

It was originally commissioned in May 2024 running for some nine weeks. The aim was to gather evidence and public views on how the DVLAs longstanding policies and whether it is felt that they updating, primarily to deal with the growing number of classic and kitcars converted to EV power plus, of course, the sheer number of new technologies.

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One key point to emerge from the report is that about 40 per cent of those asked feel that there should be some form of testing for classic vehicles over 40 years old, which currently are exempt from an MoT, although owners can submit their cars for one voluntarily.

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Views are split between whether these cars should be compulsorily tested under exisitng MoT guidelines or whether there should be a bespoke test for such cars.

There’s also a suggestion by 22.9 per cent that ‘Q’ plates should be issued to such cars although 66.9 per cent didn’t like that idea and felt that other possibilities should be explored first.

Interesting times, for sure.

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TKC MAG – MARCH/APRIL 2023 issue of is IMMINENT in store, mail order and digitally.

HAWK CARS HF – Front cover feature is the marvellous HAWK CARS HF Lancia Stratos forty years old in 2025  – our twelve page feature covers the past, present and future for this glorious replica.

INDUSTRY GREATS – FORMULA 27  – Although it’s not been around for many years the F27 Roadster grew from a humble ‘pattern and plans’ project into one of the finest Lotus Seven-inspired sportscars. We look at the histiory and also catch up with the man who really drove the project – Steve Porter.

CATERHAM CARS – ‘X’ MARKS THE SPOT – we got our first chance to visit the vast new Caterham Cars factory, known as DARTFORD X, which is in, er, Dartford.

REMEMBERING THE CATERHAM 21 – Second feature of a Caterham-flavour this issue. We look back to the surely under-rated Caterham 21, wich deserved to do better. Arguably, although it went off sale in 1999, it looks better in 2025.

Alternatively, you can CLICK HERE order your MARCH/APRIL 2025 copy NOW.

A little plug (well, it’s my website and I have good things to make you aware of!) for the digital version of TKC MAG. If not having a hard, paper copy of the mag in your mitts doesn’t bother you then may I recommend the digi edition.

An EXACT replica of the paper version it currently costs just £23.99 for a TWELVE MONTHS DIGITAL subscription to TKC MAG ANYWHERE in the world. Visit and type in ‘TKC MAG’ and all will be revealed. Alternatively, you download our APP on your mobile and download single issues or a subscription on your phone or tablet.

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If you live overseas and want to swerve FIERCE airmail postage costs, why not get TKC MAG on your phone … tablet … MAC … or PC. The digital age, I’m told …

We are getting a lot of new subscribers on the totalkitcar YouTube channel. If you like this website, you are sure to find something you like on the ‘totalkitcar YouTube channel’? In addition to our usual monthly video upload, we now have a weekly series called the ‘totalkitcar History Files Series. The latter isn’t rocket science. We verbally look at old kitcars with photos added, but we seem to be capturing peoples’ imaginations. 

As the name suggests we look at some of the classic marques, great cars, not so great cars, plus the personalities, events and designers who have graced this wonderful industry over the last 75 years. 

If you don’t already subscribe to our channel (just search ‘totalkitcar YouTube Channel’ on YouTube) please do, as it’s free and if you click ‘all’ you’ll be notified every time a new video drops. Finally, may I ask you to hit the thumbs up button please as that helps the channel greatly.  THANK YOU, dear reader.

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History File Series, in association with the Enwin Motors channel. Don’t miss out, subscribe for FREE now.

Search YouTube for the ‘totalkitcar YouTube Channel’ or follow this link:

Next video to ‘drop’ on the channel will be a video history of Christopher Neil Lotus’ CN Sprint.

Our popular TRACKDAY CALENDAR is where you can find out where, when and how much by CLICKING HERE. Now updated to cover MARCH & APRIL 2025.

IF YOU LIKE CLASSIC KIT CARS & SPECIALS you are in luck. Clicking that button will take you back in time with features on old kitcars, personalities and generally interesting companies who worked within the specialist car and sixties motorsport movements. I really hope you are enjoying them. Not all of them are kitcar-related per se but they all celebrate the underdog and often feature the wonderful world of sixties motorsport.

A lot of classic clubman motorsport features highlight underdog artisans that we hope will appeal to you dear reader, the sort of companies that we’ve often all heard of but on whom detailed information is often hard to find. Shorrock, Wade Turbochargers, Jack Knight Developments, Cannon Cars, Tom Killeen, David Ogle the list goes on and on. The sort of companies and individuals that our specialist and kitcar forebears from the sixties would have been very familiar with. You’ll find these subjects contained in CLASSIC KIT CARS & SPECIALS.

This week in CLASSIC KIT CARS & SPECIALS we look at a sadly shortlived Bond Bug recreation produced by Hampshire-based Webster Motor Company between 1991-1992.  CLICK HERE to go there.

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SNIPPETS 1 …….. If your kitcar has been converted to electric power then you may well be aware that there have been some insurance issues with these vehicles. However, a recent HCVA Heritage Matters Day, the subject was raised by HCVA member Hagerty to discuss risk assessments and other concerns.

The upshot of the round table meeting is that Aviva has agreed that Hagerty is now able to provide insurance cover for some electric conversions subject to elegibility requirements being met. 

More from

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SNIPPETS 2 …….AC Cars will expand its production operations thanks to a new strategic partnership with T-engineering, as it continues to invest for the delivery of the AC Cobra GT range of sports cars.

The next stage in a sustained programme of investment and further development, the collaboration with specialist T-engineering provides Britain’s oldest operating vehicle manufacturer with greater capacity as it continues with its range of contemporary and classic vehicles.

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Based at the famous Trollhättan facility in Sweden, the work will help AC Cars meet demand for its AC Cobra GT Roadster and GT Coupe. In addition to production facilities the partnership also provides specific engineering functions as the company looks to support further development for its range of vehicles.

Striving to be Scandinavia’s leading development company for control systems & electrification, T-engineering is a world-class complete development centre for automotive, and its Swedish site is fully equipped for the development and full-scale testing of vehicles and systems. T-engineering’s vast experience and skills further strengthens AC Cars’ production and development capability.

In addition to the team, engine laboratories, assembly spaces, and other elements available, the agreement includes access to the T Legacy Track – the well-known test facility in Trollhättan which provides a wide range of calibration and validation services.

Joining AC Cars’ existing production facility on the UK’s south coast, and the engineering division in Germany, the Trollhättan facility is the latest element in the production of the company’s cutting edge sports cars.

Speaking of the announcement David Conza, CEO of AC Cars, said: “It’s an honour to be partnering with T-engineering, and the relationship will give AC Cars access to a world class team and facilities that will not only boost the production of the AC Cobra GT range but also help development of vehicles going forward.”

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Klas Lundgren, CEO of T-engineering, said: “T-engineering is thrilled to cooperate with AC Cars and are honoured to be able to support the development of its new exciting cars and deliver manufacturing solutions for the future. We perfectly complement AC Cars and are convinced this is a fantastic commercial match for the future.”

Speaking of the strategic partnership between AC Cars and T-engineering, Peter Eriksson, Mayor of the City of Trollhättan, said: ““We’re delighted to welcome Britain’s oldest active vehicle manufacturer, AC Cars, to Trollhättan. The partnership between AC Cars and T-engineering is a milestone that confirms that Trollhättan is an attractive location for both the automotive industry and a place for manufacturing companies of the future. We’ll contribute to the next chapter in their journey and support the establishment in the Stallbacka Industrial Area.”

The AC Cobra GT Range
Featuring a clean-sheet design, the AC Cobra GT range delivers cutting-edge modern sports cars produced using the latest technology and engineering processes. Instantly recognisable, these remain faithful to the spirit of the original AC Cobra of the 1960s yet utilise modern drivetrain and control technologies to provide a new level of performance and handling.

Extremely light and with exceptional torsional rigidity, the cars’ highly advanced aluminium chassis are cloaked in a flowing carbon-composite body, while a range of powerful engines deliver the speed and soundtrack respected by sports car fans around the world.

To learn more about the AC Cobra GT Roadster and GT Coupe, and to place orders for these extraordinary vehicles, visit AC.Cars 

SNIPPETS 3…..…One in four (25%) of UK drivers admit to skipping their annual vehicle service due to cost, with 18% stating that they’re likely to do so again in the next 12 months, according to new research by Volkswagen Financial Services (VWFS) UK.

The findings come from an independent survey of 2000 UK drivers, who were asked about their attitude towards vehicle servicing, key pain points, and their knowledge of vehicle dashboard warning symbols. With the cost-of-living continuing to affect many households, VWFS wanted to understand how this could be impacting driver behaviour.

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Still some left. Just a few mind

The results demonstrate that the cost of keeping a car in good shape can feel like a burden for a lot of drivers, especially as cost-of-living continues to grip many households. This has resulted in many drivers feeling they need to cut corners when it comes to ensuring their vehicles run efficiently and safely.

Cost pressures compromising car servicing and safety

The research also found that younger drivers, aged between 24 and 34, are more likely (38%) to skip getting their car serviced due to cost pressures. This is compared to just 14% of those aged 65 and over. And with the cost-of-living hitting the younger generation harder, almost half (45%) of all younger drivers feel they’re also likely to miss their car service in the next 12 months, further compromising the performance of their cars, as well as potentially creating safety issues for themselves and other road users. Comparatively, just 10% of those aged 55 to 64 said the same.

Drivers taking chances

Nearly a quarter (24%) of all drivers are choosing to take additional risks. They admit to driving their car despite knowing it requires essential safety maintenance, such as needing new tyres, tyre pressure checks, brake light replacement or oil level top ups. The trend continues as 53% of 25 to 34-year-olds are most likely to ignore such warnings. More males (29%) admit to these habits compared to females (19%).

Tackling the cost of servicing

Considering that funding servicing and essential car maintenance is an ongoing challenge for drivers, 39% said they are interested in finding out more about how they could spread the financial cost and pay via regular monthly payments instead of a single bill. As a result, servicing and maintenance plans as an add-on are becoming an increasingly attractive option when taking out car finance.

Young drivers are most in favour of being able to spread costs, with 69% of 25–34-year-olds recording the highest response. But nearly a quarter (23%) of those 65 and over also consider this to be a helpful way to fund ongoing car maintenance obligations. 

According to the 60% of drivers who voted in favour of spreading costs, the main reason is that it would ‘ensure I get all necessary servicing and maintenance’, while 30% admit such a solution would mean they are ‘less likely to skip recommended servicing and maintenance’.

Safety first knowledge levels

There was general understanding across all age ranges that ‘yellow warning lights’ on the car dashboard flag up potential problems that need checking as soon as possible.

Worryingly, 58% of drivers also say that they would keep driving to their destination despite seeing a ‘red warning light’ on their dashboard. 25 to 34-year-olds are the most likely demographic to take this course of action, with over two thirds (63%) saying they would continue driving regardless of the red signal.

When asked to identify common but important dashboard warning signals, just under half of drivers correctly identified symbols such as ‘tyre pressure’ and ‘check engine’. However, one in five (20%) had no idea of the symbol indicating a problem with car tyre pressures and 8% did not recognise the red ‘check engine’ sign, which could be a precursor to a much bigger problem. 

James Taylor, Head of Product at VWFS UK comments “Regular car servicing and maintenance is essential to optimise driving performance, keep vehicles safe both for the driver and other road users and cut future car-related costs overall. 

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Some of these left too

“Our research highlights that a considerable number of drivers, especially those in younger age groups, continue to experience cost pressures and more likely to avoid or delay the recommended servicing and maintenance that all vehicles require. 

“We know that the cost-of-living continues to affect many households and understand that, naturally, some drivers may opt to skip servicing recommendations to prioritise alternative, compulsory costs. But not keeping up with regular car services and maintenance checks can compromise safety standards, and we believe drivers should be able to access the support and information they need to help them address the cost challenge.

“Given there’s a clear appetite among the public for financial solutions that are flexible, simple and transparent, we help drivers spread costs through regular payments via servicing and maintenance plans. 

“Some benefits of a service plan include a fixed cost that guarantees customers are covered for the duration they chose, have no interest on monthly payments and have access to approved parts and trained technicians nationwide. Such plans can lift a lot of the financial burden for drivers, so we recommend people ask their dealership about potential service plans to ensure their cars remain safe for the road, with no unexpected costs, all year round.”

SNIPPETS …….. SPECIAL OFFER: 12 months FREE Total Motor Assist for all readers!

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Designed to plug the gaps in motor insurance, this multi-car package for you and your family sits alongside your insurance and gives you vital extra services, including:

UK-wide accident recovery

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Like-for-like replacement car

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Trusted by thousands of members and over 150 organisations, we’re delighted to invite you to join free today at

Now with free cycling support and property damage repair as well when you join!


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A new little series celebrating Italian sports bikes, a particular passion of mine.


Another real beauty for you this week. The ‘Factory’ special edition of the Aprilia RSV4, which costs from around £23,000 but packs a cool 217bhp. LOVELY.

So, that’s about it from me for this week, so I’ll bid you a great seven days, with plenty of enjoyable driving and I look forward to welcoming you once again next Friday – MARCH 7 – La vie et belle! 

Best regards 
