Scottish car care brand HB Sauce (love that name!) is known for a small yet superb range of products and they almost have a cult following for their custom paste waxes. Kevin ‘Hugo Brown’ Longman sent me one of their latest limited editions to try out this week – Beadmaster Hybrid wax.

It’s a really hard wax and a little goes a very, very long way. There’s a smell of lime meets Belgian Waffles, if I’m not mistaken. I tried it out on a hot, sunny day and applied it sparingly following an application of sealant.

Sometimes with paste waxes, you have to be careful as if you apply too much it can be like trying to polish concrete off your car, but not with this one. The sun’s heat didn’t deter its ability to produce glowing shine, full of gloss.

A 100ml pot costs £17.50 with more information from ENDS.