UK Insurers Listing

Specialist Insurers Listing

Here is a listing of all the specialist insurers that truly understand kitcars and will be able to offer you the best policy, and more importantly, the keenest price to insure your pride and joy. If you need insurance for your kitcar we suggest you take a couple of hours and phone (or surf their websites) as many of our listed companies as you can thus ensuring you get the best possible package to suit you. At least you won’t have to explain what your car is, because, as we said earlier, these people understand kitcars.

If trackdays are your scene, then there are specialists for this type of cover too, which is typically worked out on a percentage of the car’s value among other bespoke factors. It can be expensive and ultimately the choice is yours because insurance cover isn’t compulsory for trackdays.

AIB Insurance Link
A-Plan Insurance Link
Backford Bloor Link
Central Bespoke Link
Competition Car Insurance Link
EA Davies of Newtownards (NI) 02390 342 999
Footman James Insurance Link
Adrian Flux Insurance Link
Gott & Wynne Insurance Link
Peter James Insurance Link
MSM Insurance Link
Osborne & Sons 0208 388 6060
Moris Link
Performance Direct Link
Peter S Taylor Insurance Link
Sureterm Direct Link
Graham Sykes Insurance Link