Mini Spares has just opened its new branch in York, which replaces its old premises in Harrogate, which it had outgrown.
The new branch will be welcoming old and new customers from 9am to 5.30pm Monday to Friday and from 9am to 2pm on Saturday (except bank holidays) and it is packed with replacements parts, tuning and styling accessories – everything you need to keep your Mini on the road or track and gain the maximum enjoyment from it, all under one roof.
Mini Spares North also operates its own separate mail order department as an alternative to the main London warehouse. You’ll find the new Mini Spares North branch at – Units 2E & 2G, Harwood Road, Northminster Business Park, York, North Yorkshire Y026 6QU.
More information from 01423 881 800 or for the head office call on 01707 607 700 or even www.minispares.com ENDS.